EN  |  AR

The number of social media users in Algeria increased by 14% between 2020 and 2021 and is equal to 56.5% of the population. In Egypt, people spend 4.2 hours per day on the internet with a mobile phone. 11% of the people in Morocco have used mobile payments. As of January 2021, the number of social media users in Libya is equal to 86.8% of the total population. In total, over 160 million people use Facebook in Arabic.

The digital transformation of media is a global reality with major implications for the MENA region. Yet most media platforms in the region continue to depend on traditional means for both the production and distribution of media. This poses a problem of the feasibility of media processes, and forces media professionals across the region to ask the important question: what comes next? 

For NAMA, the digital transformation is an opportunity to develop media landscapes that reflect the realities of the region and are designed with evidence-based foundations. We invite you to participate in answering this question and leaving a mark on the creation of an innovative media landscape in the region.